Monday, September 21, 2009

Babies Love Blocks!

To encourage language, motor, social and intellectual skills, take time to play with your baby! Blocks are a great start!

Exploring the blocks

Reaching in

Reaching in is a skill to practice.

Dumping from a container is lots of fun!!

Stack the blocks for baby to knock down. It encourages confidence!

Babies also love to tear paper. Use old magazines and supervise. This activity builds fine motor skills.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Raising Can-Do Kids

Ideas for developing language skills in infants and toddlers:

Repeat rhymes and chants.
Sing songs and lullabies.
Look at and read simple books to them.
Describe to them what they are doing or feeling.
Talk to them about the events and activities in everyday life.
Repeat their speech sounds and expand or translate these sounds into sensible, everyday words.

Ideas for developing language skills in preschoolers:

Encourage them to talk about what they did each day.
Ask them questions that require longer answers than just "yes" or "no".
Read books and talk about the stories.
Encourage them to learn and use new words.
Take time to listen attentively.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Did You Know?

The more television 3-year-olds watch each week, the more they ask for the foods they have seen advertised.

What This Means for You:

Young children are influenced by what they see on television. So limit your child's TV time and try to avoid shows with advertisements. Make sure that what he/she does watch is right for his/her age. And begin teaching your toddler good eating habits by offering healthy snacks and meals. You can also be a role model by eating healthy yourself. Most importantly, keep the whole family active by making time for active play each day.
